Sunday, September 30, 2007: change the world
in the words of eric clapton, if (only) i could change the world...
theres so many things that i see around me that i feel so pained about, so many things that i feel like i have neglected, so many things that i cant do, i have no power to change. if only, if only i had the power to change the world.
i'm reminded of the liberty God has given me. the authority and responsibility that God has given me to look after His world, the influence that i can have over my friends, in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (1st tim 4:12)
but, given that, at times, sometimes i feel that God isnt working enough. why are there people suffering and He's not answering? sometimes i feel God can be so intangible: why isnt He reaching out to those who cry out to Him?
one thing i was reminded of when i was thinking about this entry: the only reason why i feel God seems out of the picture is because i dont trust God enough, in His timing, in His power, in His absolute knowlege and perfect plan.
i dont have the power to change the way the world works precisely because i dont know how to. i'm not the one who knows what has happened and what is to come. i can only see the time that i am in. and again, i'm the one who isn't pure, who isn't peace loving, who is love, who is full of grace.
and so i end in the words of john mayer, i will wait, wait for the world to (be) change(d) by God.
a shout of praise.
5:21 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007: desire.
May The Words of My Mouth
May the words of my mouth
And the meditations of my heart
Be pleasing to you
Pleasing to you
May the words of my mouth
And the meditations of my heart
Be pleasing to you
My God
You're my rock and my redeemer
You're the reason that i sing
I desire to be a blessing in Your eyes
Every hour and every moment
Lord i want to be Your servant
I desire to be a blessing in Your eyes
this song is taken from psalm 19:14. i came across this when i was preparing for crossroads tmr, and i was reminded of this song..
alot of recent events made me think about my relationship with God, how its been suffering, how i have been so conflicted by what i want and what God wants. i guess thats the struggle i go through everyday. i think its already become 2nd nature to just do whatever i want. and thats pretty much because i think i'm not in tune with God.
something made me see the extremity of choosing self over God, and it woke me up. i think i'm pretty scared of what can happen to me.
i feel this song describes what i want for my life. that every hour and every moment, that i will desire to be a servant of God, not a servant to the world.
there seems like so much i have to do to get back on track with God. i have to remember to read my bible, i have to remember to pray, i have to try my best to serve God in church, i need to open my ears to listen to His voice, i have to obey His commands, i have to love everyone. all these have tos and need tos.. reminds me of mary and martha actually. i think i've got the martha syndrome..
maybe christianity is not all about doing things to get back into the flow of things, to get in sync with the godly people, speak their lingo, have their dedication. maybe christianity is about just surrendering our lives into God's hands and just trusting in His plans and timing.
a shout of praise.
11:30 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007: solace.
i feel guilty for not caring about things that happen in anything other than the going ons in my immediate vicinity. so many things happen everyday. and all i care about, is how fat i look in the mirror, how i feel, how people treat me, my circles of friends here in perth. if only i spend some time talking to someone or praying about something, perhaps i could have made a difference.
sometimes i wonder why God gave us a choice.
He must really love us to let us have the freedom to choose our own self over Him, the Only one who is sovereign and true.
another smack in the face, another kick in the butt.
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a Friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our Refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
a shout of praise.
12:13 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007: october blues
and all the assignments are starting to come in and pile up on my table and i'm stressed because they are all due around the same period!
5th oct - macro essay
8th oct - OB assignment (group)
12th oct - stat assignment
19th oct -macro assignment (group)
roar. how do i find time to juggle work, ocf, church, school and PLAY?! :S
i want to take a year off school. and run away and never come back again. EEPS!
so much for going to the royal perth show this year ):
a shout of praise.
11:45 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007: a matter of pride
tonight was quite eventful, plenty of fireworks going on at home, since my mom, my brother and i are all squeezing in one tiny house with debs and youyan. and this is not sometime you'd want to try because i think when people get into my space i get agitated, annoyed and you wont want to come near me. i guess what i'm trying to say is, i think alot of the times when my mom, my brother and i quarrel, alot of pride gets in the way.
especially all three of us.
what can i say? we all come from the same family.
but seriously.
yesterday for bs we were talking about quarrels and fights in James 4, and how they are caused by our sinful desire and pride. i think alot of times we quarrel because we all think we're right, and even when we're proven wrong we still quarrel our way through just to make our point. and i am very guilty of that. i think its so hard for me to be humble.
God commands us to love our neighbour, not just Him. if we love God, we love our neighbour. why can't we just be humble enough to accept our neighbour as someone God loves and created in His likeness?
i think its because often at times i think that i'm superior to them so i look down on them. truth flash: yes kristi is a proud girl, very proud.
i remember one of my friend's mom sharing once before that so many times she tried to change her husband in order to suit her ideals, but she realised that the person she needed to change was herself. maybe its time that i change myself.
even so, words so easily put, actions so much harder to do.
i think i need alot of God to put me through this..
a shout of praise.
11:28 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007: spring (:
i havent been blogging recently, i just realised. but anyhoo,
doesnt seem alot like it but it is. its been raining everyday since wed, gloomy and dreary, and i'm just getting fat sitting around at home and eating. but NOOOO, today is the day that i start my exercise again (: whee.
so some updates about my life:
last week was the one week break in our entire semester, it was quite good actually, busyed myself with alot of other things besides study. so that was good for me and bad for my studies.. :S but i needed it. school kicked off again today and i think i'm still in holiday mood. i wish we had a longer break but i think that would do me more harm cos i would probably forget everything by then.
msu ball last thurs at burswood and it was cool! (: i enjoyed myself.. photos coming up soon.. was uploading them last night and i gave up because they took so long..
i have my driving test coming up on thurs.. eek! i really hope i pass because i think i'm going to fail and that is not good.
i think thats about it. gonna be swamped in projects and assignments soon so i'm going to be really busy.. AH!
need to go off for class!bye!
a shout of praise.
2:35 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007: part of God's plan
how do we, the universe and every thing in it, God and His plan relate?
God created the world in 6 days, the heavens, the universe, the stars in the sky, the water, the plants, the flowers, the animals, from the tiny ant to the tall giraffe, and on the 6 day, He created Adam and Eve, and it was all very good.
it amazes me to see how the complexity of everything in the universe is so vast, it is so amazing that God created all of this for us, even though we are small and insignificant compared to God. God thought of what we would need, and He created it. He put everything in the universe under our care, our dominion, our control.
today i was reminded through
pastor graham's sermon of how each and everyone of us are created in God's unique and perfect image. we all have worth because God has thought about us before we were even born, He knew everything about us. that goes how much to show how He put great care into planning our arrival into the earth, and shows how much He loved us to create us.
today i was reminded of how we judge people. as human beings, in general, we all judge others, situations and things in someway or other. the job is not too well done, she's too fat, he's so stupid etc. did we ever stop to think about how in everything, every circumstance, every situation, God is in control? did we ever have faith in God to entrust everything to His soverign plan? have we ever considered that every person that we judge is created by God and is part of God's intelligent design? wouldnt that be judging what God had initially spent time to think of and create that person we critise?
i can truthfully admit that most of the time, my answer would be no.
i think this is why we need God all the time to open our eyes to the things that we are blind to; this is why we depend so much on God's grace, mercy and love for all of us, despite all our shortcomings.
Who compares to You?
You who bring the morning light,
The hope of all the earth,
Is rest assured in Your great love.
No one ever will compare to You, Jesus.
-Magnificent, Hillsong
a shout of praise.
11:40 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007: how about being a missionary?
i was thinking about long term missions today. at NPD we were praying for various countries and it made me feel so blessed to have so much and yet they struggle to find peace. it made me think about the freedom we have to worship God freely, about the freedom that Jesus came down to give everyone on this earth.
i have so much to give, i have so much things that i can offer.
my time, my money, my talents, my faith.
except, i dont know if i can survive one year being in a foreign country.
persecution, war, chaos, etc.
looking to paul, and being the narrowminded person i am, i cant see how he could stay so close to God and how he could remain joyful even after everything that he went through, to bring others to knowing Christ.
but then again, arent i just putting my own interest above what God has commissioned everyone to do?
my security, peace, image, life, social circles, wealth.
i look to the korean missionaries being held by the taliban and i think, God must have really blessed them with His boldness and His strength to even survive one day under the captivity of the taliban. i look to the long term missionaries from church in africa, i think of how much they have to leave behind: family, friends and their jobs to persue after God's interest. i look at glenna's parents, and how they're sowing seeds into the people of hong kong, and again i'm amazed at what they have been doing.
again and again, i have been reminded of how God provides, be it in an ordinary OCFers life to how dependent all these missionaries are on God to just provide even their daily necessities; food, water, clothes.
i dont know what God is impressing in my heart right now, and looking at current circumstances, family, mentally, economically, spiritually, things dont look very good. doors seemed closed, very tightly shut.
sometimes i wonder why its so hard to choose the right step. prayerfully, by God's grace and by His plan, maybe i will have an opportunity, somewhere, someday.
a shout of praise.
7:52 PM